Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Month of May!

It's been a hectic May here on Old Crow Farm! May is always a special time...One in which we run ourselves frantic trying to keep up with the ever growing grass and getting new flowers set out. This years as has been even more wild. We have had two graduations with parties following. Drew has been having his usual round of sickness and now we have added bad teeth to the list. Surgeries are scheduled for next month and I'm hoping once they are over all of this will be behind and he can start leading a normal seven years old life. (No more staying inside with Mom while Jeni goes out to play!)
Keith has been working on our cabin and it's slowly coming together. Each day we try and spend a few hours out there just enjoying the peace and quiet. I feel that sometimes we get so caught up in all the "work" on our old farm that we don't have time to enjoy the rewards of it. This year I have decided it's going to be different. We will finally MAKE ourselves stop and enjoy what we have been working so hard on. The cabin has been a good place for this. Not only is it quiet out there but the place actually stays clean! What heaven to open a door and walk into a room without stepping over toys!!!
In just a few days June will be upon us but for now we are going to enjoy these last few days of glorious May!

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About Me

These stories are dedicated to the loving memories of my childhood on the family farm and to my life on our farm. May my children always know how Blessed I've been.