Monday, July 18, 2016

Life As We Know It

Where has the time gone? Well, one thing is for certain, it sure hasn't been passed with me writing on this ole blog! I can't believe how many years it's been since I posted on here and the only excuse I have is life has gotten in the way.

So much has happened since I last wrote. Of course Keith and I have grown older (I'm now on SS. Does that make me offically retired? HA) and we've definitely slowed down. Things I used to do in the blink of an eye now takes me hours. And where I once could do two or three things at the same time, I now have to concentrate to do even one. Oh well, even though Keith has had a lot of medical problems, we're both still able to get out of bed each morning and for that I'm very thankful.

One of the best things to happen to us is we've added more precious grandchildren to our household. No matter how old I get, I definitely find that my grandbabies are of the most outstanding things in my life. Our children all live HOURS from us now but we still manage to gather every two or three months. Our little house is really crowded when the kids and their families are all home and it's a lot of work to have them here but I wouldn't give it up for anything.

In my old age I'm still crafting away. A new thrift store has opened in our little town and as of three weeks ago, I have a booth in it. This booth is a lot bigger than the one I had in Iola so it's still not 'full' and there's still a lot of work I want to do to it. That will come with time and I'm sure having fun working towards do it.

I've also sold several rugs and samplers. I used to think rug hooking was my favorite hobby but now I'm not so sure....I love designing heirloom school samplers for people. Each one is different and made with their family member in mind. I never get tired of doing them. I just hope these old eyes hang in there as it's getting harder and harder to see the holes on that fine linen.

While I've been busy working on my things, Keith has been busy designing and building furniture. Even with his poor eye sight (He had cateract surgery that went terribly wrong and he almost lost his left eye.) he's really turned out some gorgeous primitive pieces. Hmmm, come to think about it, maybe growing old isn't so bad after all! HA

Along with all this, I'm still busy cooking up a storm. I've spent a lot of time this past year organizing all my recipes and working on daily menus. The result is our family is eating better and I'm in the kitchen less. So, it's a winning situation for the whole family.

Well, there's still thing to catch up on but that's going to have to wait for another day. Blogspot has changed so much since I've been on here that it's going to take me a few minutes to post this. Hopefully the next time I write I'll have figured out how to post pictures so I can share some the things we've been doing around here.

You all have a great day and I pray your not having this horrible heat we're having in Kansas. If so, please try and stay cool.



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About Me

These stories are dedicated to the loving memories of my childhood on the family farm and to my life on our farm. May my children always know how Blessed I've been.