Monday, June 04, 2012

~~The Thrill of the Hunt~~

    One of the best things about summer in my opinion are yard sales.  You can take me to a high dollar store, hand me a fistful of cash and I’ll just stand there.  That is of course unless the store happens to be an antique shop.  If that’s the case, stand back, I’m going to be running down those isles.   But take me a yard sale, give me a five dollar bill and the hunt is on.

     It always amazes me the things people get rid of.~~~~And for very little money.   For a few dollars a person can come home with a whole carload of great items.   This year Keith & I have noticed there’s been a change in yard sales.   It doesn’t seem as if the items are of high quality and the prices aren’t as cheap, low as they once were.   Maybe the economy has something to do with it?   That hasn’t stopped us!   Every time we see a ‘sign’ we pull over.

        This weekend there was only one yard sale in our local paper.   I hated the thought of getting up early for just one sale but I hated the idea more of what I could miss if I didn’t! HA   So, bright and early, out the door we went.

       At this sale we found several neat things.~~~A cushion for one of our pool chairs, a Chinese tea set (For when we have our Chinese Gathering.), an antique pitcher and glass set (For another one of our Gatherings.) and a whole box full of jars with lids.  (I have a million and one uses for those!)

      On our way out of town we found two unadvertised sales.   One of the sales was out in the country and I knew the family having it.   This family lives in a gorgeous new home and I was pretty sure they wouldn’t have ‘my kind of junk’.   For that reason we almost didn’t go to it.  What a mistake that would have been!

      The minute we drove in the yard I spotted this wonderful white antique cabinet.   From the way it’s built, I’m sure at one time it graced the kitchen walls of an old farm house.   The whole time I was looking at it I was trying to think of a place to put it in our little house and how much I could get it for.  (The sign on it said, “Make an Offer”.)

      I had no more than started looking at it when the husband came out of the house.   He told me his wife had paid a lot of money for that piece (I’m sure she did!) but when they remodeled their kitchen there was no place to put it.   I told him I would really like to have it but like them, I really didn’t have anywhere to go with it.   He said they had been holding the yard sale for the past two days and that’s what everyone was saying.     Finally I offered him such a low price I’m even ashamed to say what it was.    When he said he’d take it I about dropped my teeth.   Honestly, I was so afraid the wife would say she couldn’t let it go for that I couldn’t pay him fast enough.   Poor Keith, as he was putting down the seats in the jeep so we could get it in, I continued shopping.  (I have that man trained right! HA)

      I picked up several other things at this sale, including this old carpenters tool box.  6-3-12 smalller    I must have ten or twelve of these things but I can’t bring myself to pass one up.   You can do so many things with them.   I think one is going to end up on my front porch.

      All the way home my mind was racing on what I was going to do with my new cabinet.    I knew there was no way I could work it into our little house (Unless I wanted to move a bed or two out!)  but the cabin was another story.   Out there I have a small white antique cabinet that I’ve had for years.   My thought was to 'marry’ the two pieces.    Keith said he didn’t think that was going to work because he thought this cabinet was wider.   I couldn’t get home fast enough.    A quick measurement said it would be close but we might be able to make it work.    Sure enough, we got it on there.

6-2-12 tiny   Isn’t it gorgeous????   The perfect place to store more treasures!  I spent a lot in the cabinet yesterday and will be heading back out there shortly.    It’s so darn peaceful out there.   The perfect place to forget the troubles of the world.   Today I’ll be working on it’s front porch.   Oh how I love having two ‘houses’ to decorate!

       Well, it’s time for my day to begin so I’d better get in gear.   Have a great day & remember….Never pass up a yard sale just because you know the people having it.   You just might miss out on the find of the century!  

                            Blessings, Sher

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Summer 2012

    The days of summer are flying by.    We started our summer out with our niece, Emily’s, graduation from pharmacy school.  (Not only did she graduate from Pharmacy School but she graduated as a Doctor of Pharmacy!!)  Emily is a beautiful young lady (Tall & super skinny~~Aunt Sher as always said she should have been a model!) and she graduated with the second highest grades in her class.    My Mom is still talking about her graduation and loves to tell Jeni that she has to do as well as her other granddaughters, Emily, Alex and Kara, has done.  Thanks Mom for putting more pressure on us!

      Next our Jeni graduated from 8th grade.   One of the tallest girls in her class, everyone remarked that she looked just like a model walking down a runway.   High school is just around the corner & ole Mom here sure isn’t ready.   They’re growing up much to fast for their dad & I.

      School had no more than came to a close when I ended up sick.   What started out as simple summer cold soon turned into the full blown flu.  For one week I laid in bed in misery.  I still have the cold but at least feel like I’m going to live.  (Wasn’t sure about that for several days.)

      Now that I’m back on my feet, I’m trying to play ‘catch up’ with life.   This weekend we’ve had a lot of company.~~Including our precious new grandson Kolton.  I swear there has never been a better baby than Kolt.  I don’t think he even knows what the word cry means.   I told Kara if she hand-picked that child she couldn’t have gotten a better one.   She may be going to China next month on business & if she does, we’re planning on baby-sitting him for four or five days.  Kara & Paul don’t know it, but we plan to spoil him so rotten they won’t want him back!

      Since I lost a week of my life due to sickness, I’m having to work like crazy to get new things done for my booth.    As of this morning I’ve completed four Needle Punch projects and I have a Patriotic rug half hooked.   My near friend Sher from New York sent me a goodie box last week (Wanna see the wonderful primitive summer prairie bonnets she sent?….6-2-12 smaller Aren’t they gorgeous?   I’m gonna be honest, if they don’t sell the first month, this ole gal is gonna buy them and they are gonna hang in MY house!!!)   Between all the things she sent and the things I’ve been making, my booth should have a whole new look shortly.

     While I’ve been busy doing my thing, Keith has been busy doing his.  In getting our pool ready for summer, he decided to re-do the pool deck and make it a little bigger.   It took him over a week but at last everyone is back to swimming the summer away.

     So, life is going on and we’re flowing with it.  Hopefully next time I write I’ll have more pictures to share.  Until then, remember to make the most of every precious moment and take time to do the things you love.  Blessings, Sher

About Me

These stories are dedicated to the loving memories of my childhood on the family farm and to my life on our farm. May my children always know how Blessed I've been.