Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A New Year~~~2011


   At last Christmas is over & all the decorations are put away for another year.    Oh how I looked forward to that day.    My winter rug was stretched on my frame .  Floss, linen and patterns were calling me to sit and stitch, piled beside my favorite wing backed chair.    And then it happened…..My legs that had been giving me fits all through the holiday season suddenly gave out.     Just like in May I was back to being flat on my back.  Not the same time of pain as before but horrid never the less.

      So, for the past week I have been laying in bed complaining to anyone that came within ear shot.   Okay, I admit it….I’m not someone who can lay around and if I have to, I make everyone around me miserable.  (If you think I’m kidding, just ask Keith.  He’s taken more tongue lashings than any man should have to take in one life-time!)

     Laying flat on your back in bed you can only do a few things…Read, watch TV, play on the lap top and look at every little thing in that bedroom that’s needing done over.   I swear it’s enough to drive a person nuts.    Finally I decided the time had came to try something besides bed rest….I started taking the muscle relaxers the doctor had given me back in May.    Within an hour of taking one I knew why there so many left in the bottle….Not only did I feel loopy but all I could do was sleep.  

    However, they seem to have worked.    My legs are still bothering me (At this point I’m starting to think it’s old age!) but not to the point I want to commit murder.   I can finally sit for more than two minutes at a time and walk across the floor without screaming in pain.

      I have decided I have to take it easy for awhile & give them time to heal (It’s a good excuse for not cleaning house. ) but I should be able to work on a few crafts.   The first thing I’m going to do is finish up my winter rug.   I’m waiting on an order of wool to arrive {It was my Christmas present from Keith & wouldn’t you know it was lost in the mail! GRRRR } and then it’s back to hooking for this old gal.    So, hopefully next posting I’ll have a photo or two to share.

    I hope all your holidays have been safe & fun and that your starting the New Year out in good health.   Stay warm, Spring will be here before we know it!   Hugs, Sher


primitivebettys said...

Hi Sher! It is good to see you posting, but I'm sorry you are hurting. Have you seen a doc? Maybe you should. I hope your wool arrives soon & you are hooking away!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sher, Great new look for the New Year! So glad you are feeling better! Spring will be here soon enough and with it the garden and yard work begins again, eek! Can you tell I'm in no hurry for winter to be over, I truly enjoy this quiet time of year! Ü

Happy New Year dear friend, may it be filled with many fun adventures, creative endeavors, good health and much happiness!

Hugs, Sher (NY)

About Me

These stories are dedicated to the loving memories of my childhood on the family farm and to my life on our farm. May my children always know how Blessed I've been.